Beginning of WWII

Sides of the War (Major Powers)






Great Britain


France (until they fall)


United States

Watch one of the two following documentaries about Pearl Harbor.

After watching one of the documentaries, read over the information below. 

December 7, 1941

Japan attacks Pearl Harbor Naval Base in Hawaii.

2,400 people killed

1,200 people injured

Up to the point, Americans were the reason the U.S. hadn’t entered the war- it was unpopular. 

After the Bombing of Pearl Harbor, sentiments change, and Americans call for the U.S. to enter the war. 

Utah Gets Involved

More than 71,00 Utahns left for service in the armed forces

Thousands of women found jobs in manufacturing and other businesses after the men left.

Most everybody was working hard to try to bring the war to a quick end. 

Rations began being used to save on food

New Defense Installations in Utah

Utah had an influx of federal personnel (and money) which boosted Utah’s economy

Utah was a good location for military installations to be built because: 

It was inland, away from coasts- harder to be attacked

The open space was good for training

Good transportation systems in place (railroads, highways, airports)

Mines located nearby helped with production

Well-educated workforce

Already had some installations in place- Fort Douglas, Hill Field, and the Ogden Ordnance Depot

Impact on Utah

Employment grew for Utahns

New facilities were built throughout Utah

New industries came to Utah

Before the war, economy was based on mining, agriculture, and businesses. 

During the war, the Government became the largest employer in Utah.

By 1942, Utah reached full employment for the first time in the 1900’s.