Danger Cave
Read through the article below.
Next, read through this information, and look at the diagram.
Then, answer the following questions
KSL Article Questions
1. When was Danger Cave designated an official state park?
2. How far back does Danger Cave date?
3. What body of water formed Danger Cave?
4. What was the cave known as in the early 1900’s?
5. If you wanted to see the artifacts found in Danger Cave, where could you go to see them?
6. Fill in the blank:
“He made use of this brand-new technology and he sent off layer by layer by layer anything they found that could be __________________ dated to get dates on these layers as he went down. He was the first person that did this.”
Diagram Questions
7. Which is older, the stuff in the top layer or the stuff on the bottom?
8. How long ago did someone first build a fire in the cave?
9. Why are the layers thicker at the mouth of the cave?
10. Why is there no pottery in the lower layers?
11. How could there be beach gravels here, so far from the ocean?
12. Coprolites are very old pieces of human poop. What could archaeologists learn from studying coprolites?