Mormonism, Pioneers, and the Building of Salt Lake City


Began in the 1820’s in New York

Joseph Smith Jr. accounted that he was visited by God when he was 14, and eventually was directed to form a new church, which he officially did in 1830.

Gained converts fairly rapidly.

By 1831, a mass of members left New York due to pressure from locals, as well as some physical attacks.

Moved around to Ohio, Missouri, (where they were often met with more violence) and eventually Illinois, where they established Nauvoo.

Members of the church gathered in Nauvoo, and it became the second largest city in Illinois (Chicago was the largest)

Locals were worried about the religions beliefs (such as polygamy and the Book of Mormon), as well as the idea of them voting in a block (all together) and changing laws to benefit them

Joseph Smith and his brother, Hyrum, were killed in 1844

By 1846, violence against them began again, so they set their sites on the Great Basin, and left Nauvoo (and eventually the U.S.) in wagon trains. 

Arrival in the Salt Lake Valley

Used Fremont’s and Hastings’ reports to plan the trip. 

Had to wait in Nebraska for the winter to pass, then continued on the next year.

Arrived in the Salt Lake Valley on July 24, 1847

Brigham Young (who had taken over as president and prophet of the church) stated, “This is the right place”.

Started establishing Salt Lake City, as well as sent people out all across the surrounding areas to set up communities. 

Setting up Salt Lake City

Planned out the city:

135 blocks, each having 10 acres divided into 8 lots

Streets wide enough for a wagon and team to turn around if needed

Everything branched out from a temple that was to be built at center of the city

Created 3 different public squares- now SLC and County Building, Liberty Park, Pioneer park 

Set up the grid system that we still use today.