Newspaper Rock/ Rock Art

Newspaper Rock is a rock face in Southern Utah that has an amazing collection of rock art on it. It's incredible that there are so many drawings in one location, but even more incredible that they have been preserved for this long (thousands of years). You can go visit Newspaper Rock, but are not allowed to get too close to it, because we want to continue preserving it for thousands of more years. 

As you can imagine, drawing on rock was very difficult, especially without modern tools. We're going to try to do something similar in the following assignment.

Think of a story from your lifetime that, if you told it to someone else, would take you at least 1 minute to tell the whole story. 

Now, go to and draw a series of pictures explaining your story. It will be difficult to draw pictures on a computer, but that's kind of the point- imagine drawing on a rock, only using other rocks!